Looking to enhance your skills or explore new career paths

If you're looking to enhance your skills or explore new career paths, there are several excellent online platforms available. Here are some worth considering:

Coursera: Known for its diverse course offerings, Coursera collaborates with universities and companies like Google. You can find classes on topics like cybersecurity analysis, IT support, and HR management. While some courses are free, Coursera Plus offers over 7,000 classes, projects, and certificate programs

Alison: Alison provides free courses and allows you to earn diplomas or certificates in various subjects, including management, information technology, and health. You can create a personalized learning plan based on your goals. Keep in mind that not all Alison courses are U.S.-based or accredited.

360training: Geared toward preparing you for specific industries, 360training offers courses related to compliance and safety. Whether you're interested in construction, restaurants, or real estate, this platform can help you learn the basics. Prices vary per course.

CreativeLive: If you're into creative fields like photography, videography, design, or audio engineering, CreativeLive offers individually priced courses. Learn about Apple Logic Pro, Instagram marketing, or Adobe Lightroom Classic CC.